[1] Here would king Henrie the father, that his son the king should receiue homage of his brethren Ri|chard earle of Poictow, and Geffrey earle of Bri|taine. The earle of Britaine did not staie at the matter, but the earle of Poictow refused, alledging that it was not conuenient so long as their father li|ued, to acknowledge any superioritie to their bro|ther: Wil. Paruus. for as the fathers inheritance was due to the eldest sonne, so he claimed the lands which he held due to him in right of his mother. This deniall so much offended his brother the king, that afterwards when Richard would haue doone homage, he would not receiue it, whervpon Richard departed from the court in great displeasure, Polydor. & comming into Poictow, began to fortifie his castels & townes, that he might be in a readinesse to stand vpon his safegard, if his father or brethren should come to pursue him. King Henrie the sonne followed him, set on by the earles and barons of Poictow, which for the sharpe and cru|ell gouernement of earle Richard, hated him mortal|lie. Ger. Dor. Againe on the other side; the fauourable courte|sie, séemelie personage, and other noble qualities which they saw in the yoong king, moued them to take part with him against Richard, and shortlie af|ter their brother Geffrey came with a great armie in aid of his brother the king, Rog. Houed. war betwixt the brethren. in so much that earle Richard not knowing how to shift off the present danger, sent to his father for aid, who being verie so|rie in his mind to sée such vnnaturall dealing among his sonnes, gathered an armie and set forward.