[1] [2] The king held his Christmasse this yeare at Win|chester, and afterwards sailed ouer into Normandie, bicause he heard that the king his sonne was gone to his brother in law king Philip,The k. passeth ouer into Normandie. and began to prac|tise eftsoones new trouble, which was true indéed: but yet at length he came backe,The K. & his sonne eftsoons reconciled. and was reconciled to his father, and tooke an oth, that from thenceforth he would neuer swarue from him, nor demand more for his maintenance but an hundred pounds Anio|nin by the daie, and ten pounds a day of the same mo|nie for his wife. His father granted this, and also co|uenanted, that within the tearme of one yeare he would giue him the seruices of an hundred knights. Neuerthelesse all this did little amend the matter, for though he set a new copie of countenance there|vpon, yet he reteined his old peruerse purpose in his discontented mind, hauing learned that
Qui nescit fingere nescit regere.After this, king Henrie the father as a mediator be|twixt the king of France, and the earle of Flanders touching controuersies betwixt them did so much in the matter, that he set them at one for that time.