[1] The same yeare, the king being at Waltham, as|signed an aid to the maintenance of the christian souldiers in the holie land, that is to wit, Matt. Paris. 42. thousand marks of siluer, and fiue hundred marks of gold. Hugh Bosun otherwise called Keuelocke the sonne of Ranulfe the second of that name earle of Chester, died this yeare, and was buried at Léeke.The dec [...]sse of Hugh earle of Chester. Ran. Higd. He left be|hind him issue by his wife the countesse Beatrice daughter of Richard Lacie lord iustice of England, a sonne named Ranulfe, who succéeded him, being the first erle of Chester, & third of that name after the conquest. Besides this Ranulfe he had foure daugh|ters by his said wife; to wit, Maud married to Da|uid earle of Angus, Huntington and Galloway; Ma|bell coupled with William Daubignie earle of A|rundell, Agnes married to William Ferrers earle of Derbie, and Hauise ioined with Robert Quincie earle of Lincolne.