[1] In the meane time, by the king of Englands ap|pointment, William king of Scotland went ouer into Normandie, and by the aduice and good admo|nition of king Henrie, he granted licence vnto two bishops of his realme of Scotland, to wit, Aberdene and saint Andrewes, to returne into Scotland, whom he had latelie before banished, and driuen out of his realme. Moreouer, as king Henrie laie at Harfléet readie to saile ouer into England, discord fell betwixt the king of France and the erle of Flanders, so that the king of England at desire of the French king returned backe, and came vnto Gisors, where the French king met him, and so did the earle of Fland|ers, betwixt whom vpon talke had in the matter de|pending in controuersie, he made a concord, and then comming downe to Chirburge, he and the king of Scots in his companie passed ouer into Eng|land, landing at Portesmouth the 26. of Iulie.