[1] This yeare also after Easter, the kings of Eng|land and France came to an enteruew togither, at a place in the confines of their countries called by some writers Vadum Sancti Remigij, on a mondaie being the 17. of April, in which assemblie of those two princes, the knights templers and hospitallers pre|sented to them letters directed from pope Alexander vnto all christian princes, aduertising them of the danger wherein the holie land stood at that present,The danger of the holie land. if spéedie remedie were not the sooner prouided. Where|fore he exhorted them to addresse their helping hand towards the releefe thereof, granting vnto all such as would enterprise to go thither in person (to re|maine there vpon defense of the countrie against the infidels) great pardon, as to those that did conti|nue there the space of two yéeres, pardon of penance for all their sins, except theft, extortion, roberie, and vsurie; in which cases restitution was to be made, if the partie were able to doo it; if not, then he should be absolued as well for those things as for other. And those that remained one yeare in those parties were pardoned of halfe their whole penance due for all their sinnes. And to those that went to visit the holie sepulchre, he also granted great pardon, as remission of their sinnes, whether they came thither or perad|uenture died by the waie. He also granted his frée indulgence vnto those that went to warre against the common, the professed and open enimies of our [page 105] religion in the holie land, as his predecessors the popes Urbanus and Eugenius had granted in time past: and he receiued likewise their wiues, their chil|dren, their goods and possessions vnder the protection of S. Peter and the church of Rome.