[1] [2] This yeare after Candlemasse, Laurence archbi|shop of Dublin came ouer to the king into Norman|die, Matth. Paris. and brought with him the son of Roderike king of Conagh, to remaine with him as a pledge, for per|formance of couenants passed betwixt them, as the paiment of tribute and such like. The said archbishop died there in Normandie, wherevpon the king sent Geffrey de Haie one of his chapleins, and chapleine also to Alexius the popes legat into Ireland, to seize that archbishops sée into his hands. He also sent Iohn Lacie conestable of Chester, and Richard de Peake, to haue the citie of Dublin in kéeping, which Hugh Lacie had in charge before, and now was dis|charged, bicause the king tooke displeasure with him, for that without his licence he had maried a daugh|ter of the king of Conagh, according to the manner of that countrie.