[1] Matth. Paris. Tailbourg woone.In this yeare, or (as the annales of Aquitaine say) in the yeare last passed, Richard earle of Poictou sub|dued the strong fortresse of Tailbourg, which was iudged before that time inexpugnable: but earle Ri|chard oppressed them that kept it so sore with streight siege, that first in a desperate mood they issued foorth, and assailed his people verie valiantlie, but yet ne|uerthelesse they were beaten backe, and forced to re|tire into their fortresse, which finallie they surren|dred into the hands of earle Richard, who caused the wals thereof to be raced. The like fortune chanced to diuers other castels and fortresses that stood in rebel|lion against him within a moneth space.