[1] Laurence archbishop of Dublin, and Catholicus the archbishop of Tuamon, with fiue or six other I|rish bishops, and diuerse both bishops and abbats of Scotland, passed through England towards the ge|nerall councell, and withall tooke their oth, that they shuld not procure any damage to the king or realme of England. There went but onelie foure bishops out of England, to wit, Hugh Putsey or Pudsey bi|shop of Durham, Iohn bishop of Norwich, Reig|nold bishop of Bath, and Robert bishop of Hereford, beside abbats: for the English bishops firmelie stood in it, that there ought but foure bish. onlie to go foorth of England to any generall councell called by the pope.Richard de Lucie lord chéefe iustice of England deceasseth. This yeare Richard de Lucie lord chéefe iu|stice of England gaue ouer his office, and became a canon in the abbeie of Westwood or Lesnos, which he had founded, and built vpon his owne ground, en|dowing it with great reuenewes, and in Iulie after he died there.