[1] In September following, the moone being about 27. daies old, at six of the clocke, a partile eclipse of the sunne happened,A strange eclipse of the sunne. for the bodie thereof appeared as it were horned, shooting the horns towards the west as the moone dooth; being twentie daies old. The resi|due of the compasse of it was couered with a blacke roundell, which comming downe by little and little, threw about the horned brightnesse that remained, till both the hornes came to hang downe on either side to the earthwards; and as the blacke roundell went by little & little forwards, the hornes at length were turned towards the west, and so the blacknesse passing awaie, the sunne receiued his brightnesse a|gaine. In the meane time, the aire being full of clouds of diuerse colours, as red, yellow, greene, and pale, holpe the peoples sight with more ease to dis|cerne the maner of it.