[1] This yeare on the sundaie before the natiuitie of S. Iohn Baptist, being the 18 of Iune, Ger. Dor. after the set|ting of the sunne, there appeared a maruellous sight in the aire vnto certeine persons that beheld the same. For whereas the new moone shone foorth verie faire with his hornes towards the east,A strange sight about the moone. streightwais the vpper horne was diuided into two, out of the mids of which diuision a burning brand sprang vp, casting from it a farre off coles and sparks, as it had beene of fire. The bodie of the moone in the meane time that was beneath, séemed to wrest and writh in resemblance like to an adder or snake that had béene beaten, and anon after it came to the old state a|gaine. This chanced aboue a dozzen ti [...]es, and at length from horne to horne it became blacke.