[1] Shortlie after, king Henrie returned into Eng|land from Normandie, and at Woodstocke made his sonne Geffrey knight. This yeare pope Alexander sent into all parts legats to summon the bishops and prelates to a generall councell to be holden at Rome in the beginning of the Lent in the yere next follow|ing. Whereabout two legats came into England,A generall councell sum|moned at Rome. the one named Albert de Suma, who had in commis|sion to summon them of England and Normandie: and the other called Petro de Santa Agatha, who was appointed to summon them of Scotland, Ire|land, and the Iles about the same: wherevpon obtei|ning licence to passe through the king of Englands dominions, he was constreined to sweare vpon the holie euangelists, that he should not attempt any thing in his legatship that might be hurtfull to the king or his realme, and that he should come and visit the king againe as he returned homewards.