[1] [2] The same season, Matth. Paris. Polychr. quéene Margaret the wife of king Henrie the sonne was deliuered of a man child which liued not past thrée daies.Iewes in England. In that time there was also through all England a great multitude of Iewes, and bicause they had no place appointed them where to burie those that died, but onelie at London, they were constreined to bring all their dead corpses thither from all parts of the realme. To ease them therfore of that inconuenience, they obteined of king Henrie a grant, to haue a place assigned them in e|uerie quarter where they dwelled, to burie their dead bodies. The same yeare was the bodie of S. Amphi|bulus the martyr, who was instructor to saint Albone found, not farre from the towne of S. Albones, and there in the monasterie of that towne buried with great and solemne ceremonies.