[1] [2] About the same time came ambassadours vnto king Henrie from Alfonse king of Castile and Gar|sias king of Nauarre, to aduertise him, Matth. Paris. Polydor. that in a controuersie risen betwi [...]t the said two kings tou|ching the possession of certeine grounds néere vnto the confines of their realms, they had chosen him for iudge by compromise, promising vpon their oths to stand vnto & abide his order and decrée therein. Ther|fore they required him to end the matter by his au|thoritie, sith they had wholie put it to his iudgement. R. Houed. Furthermore, either king had sent a most able and valiant knight furnished with horsse and armour readie in their princes cause to fight the combat, if king Henrie should happilie commit the triall of their quarrell vnto the iudgement of battell. King Henrie gladlie accepted their request, Polydor. so that thervp|on calling his councellors togither, he consulted with them of the thing, and hearing euerie mans opini|on, at length he gaue iudgement so with the one, that the other was contented to be agreeable therevnto.