[1] Uiuiano a cardinall.This cardinals name was Uiuiano, intituled the cardinall of S. Stephan in Mount Celio; he was sent from the pope the yeare before, and comming in|to England, though without licence, was pardoned vpon knowledging his fault for his entring without the kings leaue first obteined, and so permitted to go into Scotland, whither (as also into other the north|west regions) he was sent as legat, authorised from the pope. Now when he had ended his businesse in Scotland, he passed ouer into Man, and there held his Christmasse with Euthred king of Man, and af|ter the feast of the Epiphanie, sailed from thence in|to Ireland, and chanced (the same time that the Eng|lishmen inuaded that countrie) to be in the citie of Dun, [...] Paruus. where he was receiued of the king & bishops of that land with great reuerence.