[1] Furthermore, the king in times past made a vow to build a new monasterie in satisfaction of his of|fenses committed against Thomas the archbishop of Canturburie: wherefore he required of the bishops and other spirituall fathers, to haue some place by them assigned, where he might begin that foundati|on. But whilest they should haue taken aduise here|in, he secretlie practised with the cardinals, and with diuerse other bishops, that he might remoue the se|cular canons out of the colledge at Waltham, and place therein regular canons, so to saue monie in his [page 100] cof [...]rs, planting in another mans vineyard. How|beit, bicause it should not be thought he did this of such a couetous meaning, he promised to giue great possessions to that house,Préests dis|placed, & ca| [...]ns regular put in their r [...]omes. which he after but slender|lie performed, though vpon licence obteined at the bishops hands, he displaced the preests, and brought in to their roomes the canons as it were by waie of exchange.