[1] It should séeme also that they were called by other names, as the Routs (in Latine Ruptarij) which name whether it came of a French word, as ye would say some vnrulie and headstrong companie, or of the Dutch word Rutters, that signifieth a rider, I can|not say. But it may suffice for the course of the histo|rie to vnderstand that they were a kind of hired soul|diers, in those daies highlie estéemed, and no lesse fea|red, in so much that against them and others there was an article conteined among the decrées of the Laterane councell holden at Rome, in the yeare 1179, Wil. Paruus, lib. 3. cap. 3. whereby all those were to be denounced ac|cursed, which did hire, mainteine or any way nourish those Brebationes, Aragonois, Nauarrois, Basques and Coterelles, which did so much hurt in the christi|an world in those daies.