[1] But to speake further of things ordered and doone at this parlement holden at Northampton, R. Houed. Diuision of circuits for iustices iti|nerants. the king by common consent of his Nobles and other states, diuided his realme into six parts, appointing thrée iustices itinerants in euerie of them, as here follow|eth, Hugh de Cressie, Walter Fitz Robert, and Ro|bert Mantell, were deputed vnto Northfolke, Suf|folke, Cambridgeshire, Huntingtonshire, Bedford|shire, Buckinghamshire, Essex and Hertfordshire: Hugh de Gundeuille, William Fitz Rafe, and William Basset were appointed to Lincolnshire, Notinghamshire, Derbishire, Staffordshire, War|wikeshire, Northamptonshire, and Leicestershire: Robert Fitz Bernard, Richard Gifford, Roger Fitz Remfrey, were assigned to Kent, Surrey, Hamp|shire, Sussex, Berkshire and Oxfordshire: William Fitz Stephan, Berthram de Uerdon, Thurstan Fitz Simon were ordeined to Herefordshire, Glocester|shire, Worcestershire, and Salopshire: Rafe Fitz [page 98] Stephan, William Ruffe, and Gilbert Pipard were put in charge with Wilshire, Dorsetshire, Summer|setshire, Deuonshire & Cornwall: Robert de Wals, Ranulf de Glanuile, and Robert Pikenet were ap|pointed to Yorkeshire, Richmondshire, Lancashire, Copeland, Westmerland, Northumberland, and Cumberland.