[1] William king of Scotland came personallie vn|to this parlement at Northhampton, Rog. Houed. The king of Scots com|meth to the parlement. by commande|ment of king Henrie, and brought with him Richard bishop of S. Andrew, and Iosseline bishop of Glas|cow, with other bishops and abbats of Scotland, the which being commanded by king Henrie to shew such subiection to the church of England as they were bound to doo by the faith which they owght to him, and by the oth of fealtie which they had made to him, they made this answer, that they had neuer shewed any subiection to the church of England, nor ought. Against which deniall, the archbishop of Yorke replied, and brought foorth sufficient priuileges gran|ted by the forenamed popes, to prooue the subiection of the Scotish bishops, and namelie Glascow and Whiterne vnto the see of Yorke. But bicause the archbishop of Canturburie meant to bring the Sco|tish bishops vnder subiection to his see, he wrought so for that time with the king, that he suffered them to depart home, without yéelding any subiection to the church of England. The letters which the foresaid popes did send touching this matter, were remain|ing safe and sound amongst other writings in the colledge at Yorke, when Polydor Virgil wrote the histories of England, the copies whereof in an old ancient booke he confesseth to haue séene and read.