[1] [2] As for king Henrie the sonne he also set at liber|tie aboue an hundred, and that without ransome paieng, according to the articles of the peace (as be|fore you haue heard.) But yet some (as is alreadie specified) were excepted out of the benefit of that arti|cle, as William king of Scotland, who being not a|ble to paie his ransome in present monie, deliuered vp in gage foure of the strongest castels within his realme into king Henries hands, namelie, Bar|wike,Castels deli|uered by the K. of Scots. Edenbourgh, Roxbourgh, and Sterling, with condition, that if he brake the peace, and paied not the monie behind due for his raunsome, king Henrie and his successours should enioy for euer the same castels. He also couenanted, not to receiue any English rebels into his realme. Other write that the king of Scots did not onelie become the king of Englands liegeman at this time, N. Triuet. Matth. Paris. and couenanted to doo homage vnto him for the realme of Scotland, and all other his lands, but also deliuered the castels of Barwike, and Roxbourgh to be possessed of the same king of England and his heires for euer, with|out any couenant mentioned of morgage.