[1] Herevpon Richard laieng armour aside, came of his owne accord vnto his father on the 21. of Sep|tember,The son sub|mitteth him|selfe to the father. and asked pardon. His father most courte|ously receiuing him, made so much of him as though he had not offended at all. Which example of courte|sie preuailed much to the alluring of his other sons to come to a reconciliation. For the bringing where|of to speedie effect, he sent this Richard vnto king Lewes, and to his other sonne Henrie, to commen with them of peace, at which time earle Richard did so effectuallie his message, that he brought them both in good forwardnesse to agree to his fathers purpose, so that there was a daie appointed for them to meet with their father, betwixt Towres in Touraine and Ambois.