[1] But what insued herevpon euen by waie of cha|stisement, but that which commonlie lighteth vp|on tumult-raisers; namelie, either losse of life, or at least restraint of libertie? For the king after this happie atchiuement of his warlike affaires, being ruled by reason and aduise (as it is likelie) would not that so smoking a fierbrand (as quéene Elianor had prooued hirselfe to be) should still annoie his eies,Quéene Eli|anor is com|mitted to close prison. and therefore (whether in angrie or quiet mood, that is doubtfull) he committed hir to close prison, bicause she had procured his sons Richard and Geffrey to ioine with their elder brother against him their fa|ther (as before ye haue partlie heard).