[1] King Henrie the father being informed both of his sonnes purpose, and of the dooings in England, with all possible spéed determined to passe ouer into England, and therefore got his souldiers a shipboord, among whom were certeine bands of his Braban|ders: Polydor. and so soone as the wind blew to his mind, he caused the sailes to be hoised vp, and the nauie to set forward. Being landed, he repaired first vnto Can|turburie, there to make his praiers, doubting least the bloud of the archbishop Thomas Becket being shed through his occasion, Wil. Paruus. did yet require vengeance against him for that fact. From Canturburie he came to London, and tooke order for the placing of capteins with their bands in certeine townes about the coast, to defend the landing places, where he thought his sonne was like to arriue. Then went he to Huntington,Huntington castell woone. and subdued the castell there the 19. of Iulie: for the knights and other souldiers that were within it yéelded themselues to the kings mer|cie, their liues and lims saued.