[1] These capteines hauing knowledge that Dun|cane was in one side of the countrie, and king Wil|liam in another, determined to issue foorth and trie the chance of warre (which is doubtfull and vncer|teine, according to the old saieng,
Fortuna belli semper ancipiti in loco est)Sen. in The.against the enimies, sith it should be a great rebuke to them to suffer the countrie to be wasted after that sort without reuengement. Herevpon riding foorth one morning, there arose such a thicke fog and mist that they could not discerne any waie about them, so that doubting to fall within the laps of their enimies at vnwares, they staied a while to take aduise what should be best for them to doo. Now when they were almost fullie resolued to haue turned backe againe, by the comfortable words and bold exhortation of Bernard Balliolle, they changed their purpose,Bernard de Balliolle. and rode forward, till at length the northerne wind be|gan to waken, and droue awaie the mist, so that the countrie was discouered vnto them, and perceiuing where Alnewike stood, not knowing as yet whether the Scots had woone it or not, they staied their pace, and riding softlie, at length learning by the inhabi|tants of the countrie, that the Scotish king despai|ring to win Alnewike, had raised his siege from thence the same day, they turned streight thither, and lodging there all night, in the morning got to their horsses verie earelie, riding foorth towards the eni|mies that were spred abroad in the countrie to forrey the same. They had anon espied where the king was, and incontinentlie compassed him about on euerie side, who perceiuing the English horssemen readie thus to assaile him, with all diligence called backe his men from the spoile; but the more part of them being straied far off through the swéetnes they found in getting of preies, could not heare the sound of the trumpets, yet notwithstanding with those his horsse|men which he could get togither, he encountred the English men which came vpon him verie hastilie.