[1] [2] [3] This enterprise which he made into Northumber|land, he tooke in hand chéefelie at the suit and request of Roger Mowbray, from whome Geffrey (who after was bishop of Lincolne) K. Henries eldest base son had taken two of his castels, so that he kept the third with much adoo. He had giuen his eldest sonne in ho|stage vnto the said king of Scots for assurance of such couenants to be kept on his behalfe as were passed betwixt them. Polydor. Duncane a Scotish cap|teine wasteth Kendall. In the meane time one Dun|cane or Rothland, with an other part of the Scotish armie entered into Kendall, and wasted that coun|trie in most cruell wise, neither sparing age nor sex, insomuch that he brake into the churches, slue those that were fled into the same for safegard of their liues as well preests as other. The English power of horssemen which passed not the number of 400. was assembled at Newcastell, vnder the leading of Ro|bert de Stouteuille, Ra [...]e Glanuille, Wil. Paruus. R. Houed. William Ur|sie, Bernard Balliolle [and Odonet de Umfrei|uille.]