[1] [2] [3] But now to procéed. The lords that had the rule of the land for king Henrie the father, perceiuing earle Bigots procéedings, sent knowledge thereof with all expedition to the king, as yet remaining in the parties beyond the seas. Whilest these things were a dooing, although the minds of manie of the conspirators against king Henrie the father were inclined to peace,Additions to Iohn Pike. yet Roger Mowbray, and Hugh Bigot (by reason of this new supplie of men got out of Flanders) ceassed not to attempt fresh exploits: and chéeflie they solicited the matter in such wise with William king of Scotland, that whilest they in other quarters of the realme plaied their parts, he entred into the confines of Cumberland,The king of Scots inua|deth Eng|land. and first be|sieged the citie of Carleil, but perceiuing he could not win it in any short time, he left one part of his armie to keepe siege before it, and with the residue marched into the countrie alongst by the riuer of E|den,Castels woon by the Scots. taking by force the castels of Bourgh and Apple|bie, with diuerse other. This doone, he passed ouer the riuer, and came through Northumberland (wasting the countrie as he went) vnto Alnewike, which place he attempted to win, though his labour therein pro|ued but in vaine.