[1] The oth of the earle of Flanders.Philip earle of Flanders in the presence of the French king and other the peeres of France, laieng his hand vpon the holie relikes, sware that within 15. daies next insuing the feast of S. Iohn then in|stant to enter England with an armie, and to doo his best to subdue the same to king Henrie the son. Upon trust whereof the yoong king the more presu|ming came downe to Whitsand,Additions to Iohn Pike. the 14. daie of Iu|lie, that he might from thence send ouer into Eng|land Rafe de la Haie with certeine bands of soul|diers. Before this the earle of Flanders had sent o|uer 318. knights or men of armes, as we may call them. But after their arriuall at Orwell, which chan|ced the 14. of Iune, by reason that their associats were dispersed, and for the more part subdued, they tooke with them earle Hugh Bigot, and marching to Norwich, assaulted the citie and wan it, gaining there great riches, and speciallie in readie monie, and led awaie a great sort of prisoners whome they ransomed at their pleasure. Matth. Paris. Ger. Dor. This chanced the 18. of Iune.