[1] This yeare in Iune, the lord Geffrey the elect of Lincolne the kings sonne besieged the castell which Roger de Mowbray had repaired at Kinard Ferie, within the Ile of Oxholme, and compelling the soul|diers within to yéeld, he beat downe and raced the same castell vnto the verie ground. Robert Mow|bray conestable of that castell, as he passed thorough the countrie towards Leicester, there to procure some aid, was taken by the men of Claie, and kept as prisoner. Moreouer, the said elect of Lincolne tooke the castell of Malesert that belonged to the said Roger Mowbray, which being now taken, was deli|uered vnto the keeping of the archbishop of Yorke. The said elect also fortified a castell at Topclife, and tooke it to the kéeping of William Stuteuille. In this meane while the king tooke the strengths and for|tresses which his sonne Richard had fortified at Xan|ctes, and in the same forts and church (which was also fortified against him) 60. knights or men of armes, and 400. archbalisters, that is, the best of them that [page 91] bare crossebowes.