[1] Moreouer Henrie the elder (after the iournie of Uernueil ended) came backe to Rouen, and there vnderstanding that Hugh earle of Chester, and Raft de Foulgiers, men of singular prowesse (who long be|fore were reuolted to his sonne Henrie) had taken [page 89] the castell of Dole in Britaine, and there making warre, brought all the countrie into trouble, he sent foorth streightwaies certeine of his capteines with the Brabanders to aid his people in those parts who on the twentith day of August (being monday) encountring with the enimies, [...] Houed. discomfited them in battell, tooke seauenteene knights, besides diuerse o|thers both horssemen and footmen, slue aboue fifteene hundred of the enimies being Britaines, and pursu|ing the residue, entred the towne which they wan, and droue their aduersaries into the castell, where they besieged them, and with all spéed aduertised the king of that enterprise, who immediatlie with all pos|sible hast came thither, applieng his whole diligence to win the place, that he might haue them which were within the same at his commandement.