[1] After this towne of Newcastell (otherwise called Drincourt) in those frontiers was besieged, R. Houed. Ia. Meir. Ger. Dor. The earle of Bullongne wounded, and di [...]th. and fi|nallie woone by surrender, by the said earle of Flan|ders, who reioised nothing at the gaine of that towne: for his brother Matthew the earle of Bullongne who should haue béene his heire, was shot into the knée with an arrow, as he approched to the wals, and died of the hurt within a few daies after. The earle of Flanders was so pensife for his brothers death, that he brake vp his iournie and returned, blaming his euill hap and follie in that he had attempted war against his coosen germane king Henrie, who neuer had harmed him, but rather had doone him manie great and singular pleasures from time to time.