[1] [2] [3] [4] Here after they had consulted of the maner how to mainteine warre, bicause they would assure the yoong king that they ment not to forsake him, first king Lewes, and after all the residue tooke an oth to aid him with men and monie,The French king taketh an oth to aid king Henrie the sonne. Rog. Houed. Ger. Dor. till his father should either be driuen out of his kingdome, or brought to agrée with him at his will and pleasure. On the o|ther part, he sware neuer to conclude any peace with his father without their consent and good will. He also promised vpon his oth to giue, & by his char|ter vnder his s [...]ale he confirmed vnto Philip earle of Flanders (for his homage) a thousand pounds of yearelie reuenues in England,Philip earle of Flanders. Matthew erle of Bullongne. and the countie of Kent, with the castels of Douer and Rochester. And to Matthew earle of Bullongne (for his homage) he likewise promised and confirmed the Soke of Kir|keton in Lindsey, and the earldome of Morton, with the honour of Hey. Also to Theobald earle of Blois (for his homage) he gaue and granted fiue hundred marks of yearelie reuenue in Aniou with the castell of Ambois, and all that which he claimed as his right within the countrie of Touraine, and surrendred to him all the right which he and his father claimed and demanded to haue in Chateau Reignold.Chateau Reig+nold. To the K. of Scots (for his assistance) he gaue and granted all Northumberland as far as the riuer of Tine. And to his brother Dauid (to haue his seruice) he granted the counties of Huntington and Cambridge.Earle Dauid. To Hugh Bigot (for his seruice) he gaue the castell of Norwich.Hugh Bigot. All these gifts and grants (with diuerse o|ther to other persons) promised & granted, he confir|med with his new seale, which the king of France had caused him to make. These things being thus ordered at Paris, euerie man resorted to his charge, Polydor. that he might prouide for the warre with all spéed conuenient.