[1] There was another cause that troubled his mind also, and mooued him to grudge at his father, which was; for that the proportion of his allowance for maintenance of his houshold and port was verie slender, and yet more slenderlie paied. Also his father remooued from him certeine of his seruants, as As|tulfe de S. Hilarie,Astulfe de S. Hilarie a counsellor or rather corrup|ter of king Henrie the sonne. Polydor. and other whome he suspected to giue him euill counsell. Wherefore those that were procurers of him to attempt the seizing of the go|uernement into his hands, vpon this occasion slept not, but put into his head such matter, that at length he openlie demanded to haue the whole rule commit|ted to him: which when he saw would not be obtei|ned of his father by quiet meanes, he fled secretlie a|waie vnto his father in law king Lewes,King Henrie the sonne fled to the French king. requiring aid of him to recouer his right, which king Henrie the elder vniustlie deteined from him.