[1] [2] You haue heard how king Henrie promised the earle of Morienne, when the marriage was conclu|ded betwixt his son Iohn and the said earles daugh|ter, to giue vnto the said Iohn certeine townes in Normandie, for the better mainteining of his estate and his wiues. This gift of the fathers caused his el|dest sonne the yong king Henrie, the sooner to powre out his poison which he had sucked before at his being with his father in law king Lewes. For conceiuing an offense, that his father should giue away any por|tion of his inheritance, Wil. Paruus. he would not condescend to any such gifts, but alledged that sithens he was king of England, and that all belonged to him, his father could not now haue any title to giue awaie that which did in no wise apperteine vnto him.