5.1. A letter of yoong king Henrie touching the disappointment of archbishop Richards consecration.
A letter of yoong king Henrie touching the disappointment of archbishop Richards consecration.
[1] [2] _HEnrie by the grace of God king of England, duke of Normandie, and earle of Aniou, sonne of king Hen|rie; to our deere and faithfull freend Odo, prior of the church of Canturburie, and to all the conuent there, sendeth greeting. By the assured report of some we vnderstand, that in your church and in other churches also, my father goeth about to institute certein persons not verie meet for such calling: and bicause (without our consent) it ought not so to be doone, who by reason of our kinglie annoin|ting haue taken vpon vs the kingdome and charge of the whole realme: hervpon we haue in the presence of many persons appealed to the see of Rome, and haue signified our appeale in that behalfe, made vnto our reuerend fathers and freends Albert and Theodorike, cardinals and legats of the apostolike see, by our writing and messenger, who like wise and discreet per|sonages haue assented therevnto. We haue likewise signified the same our appeale to our faithfull freends the bishops of London, Exce|ster, and Worcester, and as we haue appealed, so likewise we doo appeale vnder your testi|monie.