5.1. A breefe extract or clause of a letter which the pope sent to the clergie of England, &c: for the making of a new holie daie.
A breefe extract or clause of a letter which the pope sent to the clergie of England, &c: for the making of a new holie daie.
[1] _WE admonish you all, & by the autho|ritie which we reteine, doo streight|lie charge you, that you celebrat the daie of the suffering of the blessed man Thomas the glorious martyr, sometime archbishop of Canturburie, euerie yere in most solemne sort, & that with deuout praiers ye en|deuour your selues to purchase forgiuenes of sins; that he which for Christes sake suffered banishment in this life, and martyrdome in death by constancie of vertue, through conti|nuall supplication of faithful people, may make intercession for you vnto God.