[1] Shortlie after that the parties were agreed vpon the couenants afore cited, the marques of Montfer|rat & one Geffrey de Plozac with his sonne Miles and other Noble men came to the king as ambassa|dors from the earle of Morienne, and receiued an oth, that they should see and procure the said earle to performe the couenants and agreements concluded betwixt the king and him. When these things were thus ordered, as séemed good to both parties, for the e|stablishment of the foresaid marriage, the king the father, and the king the sonne remoued to Limoges, whither the earle of S. Giles came,The earle of S. Giles. and was there accorded with king Henrie and his sonne Richard duke of Guien, concerning the controuersie that had béene moued for the countie of Tholouze, dooing his homage as well vnto the father as to the sonne for the same countie, Nic. Triuet. and further couenanted to serue them with an hundred knights or men of armes (as we may call them) for the terme of fourtie daies at all times, vpon lawfull summons. And if the king or his sonne duke Richard would haue his seruice longer time after the fourtie daies were ex|pired, they should paie wages both to him and his men in reasonable maner. Moreouer, the said earle condescended & agreed to giue yearelie for Tholouze an hundred marks,Tribute for Tholouze. or else 10. horsses with 10. marks a péece. Now also, whilest the king soiourned at Li|moges, the earle of Morienne came thither to him, and required to vnderstand what parcels of land he would assigne vnto his sonne Iohn. Wherevpon the king resolued to allot vnto him the chappell of Chi|non, Ger. Dor. Lodun and Mirabell, whereby he offended his eldest sonne the yoong king (as after may appeare) who was glad to haue occasion (whome the poets faine to be bald behind and hairie before, as this monastich insinuateth,
Fronte capillata est post est occasio calua)offered to broch his conceiued purpose of rebellion which of late he had imagined, and now began to put in practise, vsing the opportunitie of the time and the state or qualitie of the quarell then taken for his best aduantage, and meaning to make it an ingredience or entrance to the malicious conceit which he had kept secret in his hart.