[1] Here when the matter came to be discussed tou|ching the death of archbishop Thomas, bicause it could not be certeinelie tried out in whom the fault rested, much reasoning to and fro passed, about obie|ctions and excuses laid (as in doubtfull cases it of|ten happeneth) so that welneere the space of foure moneths was spent in debating of that matter. In which meane time, the king to auoid all contention and strife betwixt him and king Lewes, sent his son Henrie togither with his wife ouer into England, there eftsoones to receiue the crowne, and with them came Rotrod the archbishop of Rouen, Ger. Dor. R. Houed. Giles bishop of Eureux, Roger bishop of Worcester, and diuerse others.