[1] At length, he sent his ambassadors to Rome, part|lie to purge himselfe of the archbishops death,King Henrie sendeth am|bassadours to the pope. partlie to excuse his fault, for that in his furie he had vtte|red words against the archbishop, which had giuen oc|casion to naughtie men to contriue his death, & part|lie to require the pope to send his legats into Eng|land, to make inquirie both for the death of the arch|bishop, and also of the state of the clergie. The kings ambassadors found the pope at Tiuoli, and there were heard to declare their message: but little cre|dit was giuen to their words, in so much that the pope plainelie told them, that he vnderstood the mat|ter to be much otherwise than they had declared. Yet according to the kings request, he sent two of his cardinals into England, which vpon due examinati|on, might vnderstand the truth of the matter tho|roughlie as apperteined.