[1] Now when they were armed, and manie other a|bout them, they entred into the archbishops palace. Those that were about the archbishop cried vpon him to flée, but he sat still and would not once remooue, till the moonks brought him euen by force & against his will into the churth. The comming of the armed men being knowne,The moonks with force bring the arch+bishop into the church. some of the moonks continued singing of euensong, and some sought places where to hide themselues, other came to the archbishop, who was loth to haue entred into the church, and when he was within, he would not yet suffer them to make fast the doores, so that there was a great stur among them, but cheeflie when they perceiued that the armed men went about to séeke for the archbishop, by meane whereof their euensong was left vnfinished.