[1] At length after these and such words, the knights turning them to the moonks,The knights command the moonks to sée the archbishop kept safe. said:
In the behalfe of our souereigne lord the king, we command you, that in any wise ye keepe this man safe, and present him to the king when it shall please his grace to send for him.The archbishop said:
Doo ye thinke that I will runaway? I came not to run away, but looke for the outrage and malice of wicked men. Truelie (said they) you shall not runne away, and herewith went out with noise and threatnings. Then maister Iohn of Salisburie his chancellor said vnto him:Iohn de Sa|lisburie the archb. Bec|kets chan|cellor. My lord, this is a woonderfull matter that you will take no mans counsell: had it not beene méet to haue giuen them a more méeke and gentle answer? But the arch|bishop said: Surelie I haue alreadie taken all the counsell that I will take,The archbi|shops resolu|tion. I know what I ought to doo. Then said Salisburie, I pray God it may be good. Now the knights departing out of the place, and go|ing about to put on their armour, certeine came to the archbishop,The knights put on their armor. & said; My lord, they arme themselues. What forceth it? said he, let them arme themselues.