[1] ¶ Here authors agrée not (as Polydor trulie saith) for some write that archbishop Thomas (immediatlie vpon his returne into England) denounced the arch|bishop of Yorke with the bishops of Salisburie and London accurssed, whereas before they were depri|ued of the vse and administration of the sacraments. So [...]e [...]hers write, that now at his comming ouer into England from his [...]ile, he depriued them onlie of the ministration of the sacraments, togither with the bishops of E [...]ester, Chester, Rochester, S. Asaph, & Landa [...], which had [...]sonallie béene present at the coronation of king Henrie the sonne, to the deroga|tion of the dignitie of their primat the archbishop of Canturburie (as before you haue heard.) It shuld seeme yet by G [...]r. Doro [...]e [...]  that the archbishop of Yorke, and the bishop of Durham were suspended, and the bishops of London, Salisburie, and diuerse other excommunicated.