[1] But when the archbishop would needs depart & go ouer into England, the French K. suffered him so to doo, dooing him all the honor he could at his leaue ta|king. Then the archbishop departing out of France, came into England, Matth. Paris. The archbi|shop Becket returneth into England. and landed at Sandwich about the first of December, in the seuenth yeare after his first departure out of the realme. Shortlie after his arriuall, Roger the archbishop of Yorke, Gilbert bi|shop of London, and Iocelin bishop of Salisburie, with diuerse other, came vnto him as to the popes le|gat, and required that it might please him to restore them to the ministration of their offices againe: whose request he granted, but yet vpon condition, that they should vndertake to stand to his iudge|ment and order in all things, which (by the counsell of the archbishop of Yorke) they vtterlie refused.