[1] Now among other things he required of the K. that it might be lawfull for him (without offending of his maiestie) to punish (according to the censures of the church) the iniurie doone vnto him by the archbi|shop of Yorke, and other bishops in the coronation of his sonne. The king granted this, and shewed him|selfe so courteous at that time, that (as it is said) he held his stirr [...]p whiles he m [...]unted on horssebacke. ΒΆ Notwithstanding which obsequiousnes of the king, it is to be presumed that all inward rep [...]i [...]g [...] not be so abolished, as that no fragments remained; but that the archbishop for his part, for the mainte|nance of his great title, & the K. for the s [...]ppo [...]ation of his souereigntie, when opportunitie s [...]rued, [...]ought to get aduantage one of another, & acq [...]it their harts with a new reuenge of an old gr [...]dg [...]: for
Immortal [...] odium & nunqu [...]m s [...]nabile vulum. [...]umen. sat. 15.