[1] After this, when the archbishop was come to Sens, and aduised with himselfe whether it should be best for him to go, at length he said,

God is able in the last point of miserie and distresse, to helpe those that be his.
Herewith came a messenger from the French king to bring him to the court, for the French king (as one that had béene better instructed in the mat|ter) repented himselfe that he had iudged euill of his answers at the last meeting,The French K. receiueth the archbishop Becket a|gaine into fa|uour. and herevpon receiued him againe into his fauour, and rested not to trauell so much in his cause, that at length another méeting was assigned at a certeine place neere the confines of Normandie, whither king Henrie came, and there found king Lewes, the archbishop of Rouen, and di|uerse other bishops together,The archb. is reconciled to the king. with the foresaid arch|bishop, who after they had reasoned of the matter throughlie as they saw cause, king Henrie receiued the archbishop into his fauour againe, and promised to redresse all that had béene doone amisse, and pardon all those that had followed him out of the realme. Wherevpon the king and the archbishop being recon|ciled, the archbishop the same day came before the king, and talked with him.