[1] Polydor. [...]ing Henrie the sonne his misorder.In the meane time Henrie the sonne remaining at home in England, fell from all good order of mea|sure kéeping, and gaue himselfe to all excessiue riot, spending and wasting his reuenues inordinatelie. Of which behauiour his father being aduertised, re|turned into England, where he taried not long, but passed ouer againe into Normandie, hauing his said sonne in his companie, Anno Reg. 16 1170 meaning thereby to remooue him from the companie of those that were verie like to corrupt his nature, and frame the same to all lewd|nesse: for he knew that

—commercia turpia sanctos
Corrumpunt mores: multi hoc periere veneno,
Labimur in vitium & facilè ad p [...]ior [...] mouemur.