[1] But the king his father hearing his talke, was verie sorrowfull in his mind, and said to the archbi|shop softlie in his eare:
It repenteth me, it repenteth me my lord, that I haue thus aduanced the boy.For he gessed hereby what a one he would prooue after|ward, that shewed himselfe so disobedient and fro|ward alreadie. But although he was displeased with himselfe in that he had doone vndiscréetlie, yet now when that which was doone could not be vndoone, he caused all the Nobles and lords of the realme, togi|ther with the king of Scots and hi [...] brother Dauid, to doo homage vnto his said sonne thus made fellow with him in the kingdome: but he would not release them of their oth of allegiance, wherein they stood bound to obeie him the father, so long as he li [...]d.