[2] Upon the daie of
Matt. Paris Polydor.
The king be|came seruitor to his sonne.
(Immutant mores homines cùm dantur honores)the yoong man conceiuing a pride in his heart,Honours change ma|ners. be|held the standers-by with a more statly countenance than he had béen woont. The archbishop of Yorke, who sat by him, marking his behauior, turned vnto him, & said;
Be glad my good sonne, there is not an other prince in the world that hath such a sewer at his ta|ble.Yong men set vp in dignitie easilie forget themselues. To this the new king answered, as it were dis|dainefullie, thus: Why doost thou maruell at that? My father in dooing it, thinketh it not more than be|commeth him, he being borne of princelie bloud onlie on the mothers side, serueth me that am a king borne hauing both a king to my father, and a queene to my mother. Thus the yoong man of an euill and per|uerse nature, was puffed vp in pride by his fathers vnseemelie dooings.