[1] About [...] same time one Haruey de Yuon,Haruey de Yuon. who had married the daughter of one William Goieth, [...] in his iournie which he tooke into the holie [...] into the hands of king Henrie, [...] he was in despaire to keepe them [...] of Chartres, who through the French kings [...] to dispossesse him of the same castels: wherevpon the war was renewed be|twixt the king of England and the said earle of Char|tres. [page 76] Neuerthelesse king Henrie making no great accompt of those wars, went into Britaine with his sonne Geffrey, where going about the countrie to visit the cities and townes, he reformed many disor|ders, laieng as it were a maner of a new foundati|on of things there, fortifieng the castels, cities and townes, and communing in courteous manner with the lords and péeres of the countrie, sought to win their good wils: and so in such exercises he spent a great part of the time.