[1] The variance still depending betwixt the king and the archbishop of Canturburie: there was also about the same time a great debate betwixt the em|perour Frederike the first and pope Alexander the third: whervpon king Henrie wrote to the emperor,Debate be|twixt the pope and the em|perour. and signified vnto him, that he would aid him if néed should require against the pope,K. Henrie of|fereth to aid the emperour. who mainteined such a runnagate traitor as the archbishop Becket was. Moreouer at the same time the king caused all his subiects within the realme of England, from the child of twelue yeares old vnto the aged person, to forsweare all obedience that might be pretended as due to the same pope Alexander. The king for the space of two yeares togither, remaining still in Nor|mandie, and in other places beyond the seas, subdued diuerse rebels, as the earle of Angoulesme, Aime|rike de Lucignie, and his sonnes Robert and Hugh.