[1] [2] Also Robert bishop of Lincolne departed this life, after whose deceasse the [...] of Lincolne was vacant by the space of seuentéene yeares,The fée of Lincolne void 17. yeares. the king in all that meane time receiuing the profits. Anno. Reg. 14. The [...] of Co|lein came ambassadour from the emperour vnto the king of England,An embassage from the em|perour. requiring to haue ou [...] of his daughters giuen in marriage vnto the emperour [...] sonne and an other of them vnto Henrie duke of Saxonie: which request [...]he K. bid w [...]inglie grant, and therevpon was the queene sent for to come ouer into Normandie, an [...] to bring hi [...] [...]aithe the lord Ri|chard and hir daughter the ladie Maud with hir: which ladie was married vnto the duke of Saxonie, in the beginning of the yeare next insuing; and had issue by him three sons, Henrie, Otho, and William, of which the middlemost came to be emperour. Matth. West.