[1] In the meane while Henrie came ouer to his fa|ther, N. Triuet. King Henrie inuadeth the erle of Aluer|gnes lands. and found him at Poictiers, from whence (short|lie after Easter) he remoued, and with an armie en|tred into the lands of the earle of Aluergnes, which he wasted and spoiled, bicause the said earle had re|nounced his allegiance to king Henrie, and made his resort to the French king, séeking to sow discord betwixt the foresaid two kings: which was kindled the more by a challenge pretended about the sending of the monie ouer into the holie land, which was ga|thered within the countie of Tours: for the French king claimed to send it, by reason that the church there apperteined to his dominion: and the king of England would haue sent it, bicause it was gathe|red within the countrie that belonged to his go|uernement.